Tuesday 27 July 2010

Contador seals third Tour de France title

Contador won by 39 seconds over Andy Schleck - the fifth closest race in history (BBC)

Alberto Contador on Sunday reached the Champs-Elysses in Paris as winner of the Yellow Jersey for the third time of his career, confirmed by a time-trial ride where he extended his lead over main rival Andy Schleck to 39 seconds.

The gap is a huge irony to the Luxembourger Schleck, as he lost precisely the same amount in a Pyrenean stage three days earlier to Contador in a manner that upset purists by infringing the sport's unwritten code of ethics - capitalising on a mechanical failure.

The Spanaird's victory, now three-time winner of the most prestigious event in road cycling, was arguably his least convincing. It is unknown whether he could have got back on Schleck's wheel in Stage 15's ascent to the Port De Bales had the White Jersey winner Schleck had not suffered a mechanical. Contador was caught unaware by Schleck's sudden burst of pace, and some experts say he is tactically naive.

Contador had been riding defensively throughout the Tour. Maybe he is not on form - he told local reporters he was struggling with illness. Nobody can doubt his amazing skill in ascending up mountains, but many would like to think Schleck may pose an even grerater threat than the one the Spanaird encountered this year.

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